lunedì 14 novembre 2022




Le passerelle del 2022 hanno messo ben in chiaro una cosa: la moda Y2K è ufficialmente tornata. 
Il trend era già iniziato da qualche mese ma con l’arrivo dellla primavera, i marchi hanno lanciato così tante interpretazioni dello stile anni 2000 che non poteva davvero più essere ignorato.
E visto che sta già proseguendo nelle prossime collezioni A/I 22/3, è chiaro che non si tratta di una tendenza fugace.  
Questa volta, tuttavia, i brand hanno reinventato i pezzi del nuovo millennio con un tocco moderno che li rende molto più indossabili.  
Basta guardare le versioni aggiornate dei pantaloni a vita bassa, uno dei trend più controversi della stagione. 

La vita alta ha dominato i nostri guardaroba per oltre un decennio, ma fin dalla primavera del 2022 le cose hanno iniziato a diventare molto molto più anni '00 dato che quella stagione ha sancito chiaramente la ribalta della vita bassa, anche se  in una nuova consapevolezza sartoriale. 

 In ogni caso il mood si basa sul mostrare l'ombelico, quindi non avrebbe comunque senso (secondo l’ultima tendenza) optare per una vita bassa e nasconderla sotto una maglia lunga. 
Puntate piuttosto su top corti in modo per ricreare quelle vibes anni 2000 ma in chiave moderna.









The 22 runways made one thing clear: Y2K fashion is definitely back. 
The trend have been starting since some months, but for spring, brands ushered in so many takes on 2000s style that it cannot be ignored, and it is already continuing into the incoming A/W 22/23 collections, so it’s clear that it's not a fleeting trend. 
This time around, though, brands have reimagined the OG pieces with modern twists that make them more wearable. 
Just look at the updated takes on low-rise pants, one of the most controversial trends of the season.

High-rise may have dominated our wardrobes for over a decade, but since spring 2022 things are getting a whole lot more '00s as the low-slung waist makes its way back to the forefront of sartorial conscious. 

They're all about bearing the midriff, so there's no trend value in opting for a low-rise and hiding it beneath a long knit. 
Opt instead for cropped tops for full '00s drama.


4 commenti:

  1. Avendo la "tartaruga" al contrario, dopo una pizza non ti dico...diri che la vita bassa la posso accettare solo con maglioni lunghi fino ai fianchi...anche perchè ho una certa!!!

  2. I'm so used to high waist pants but this is worth a try. The low rise looks pretty good.

  3. Hello Silvia, I hope you're having a lovely autumn despite the weather is kinda crazy.

    How are you? I hope you're doing well. I was eager to catch up on your blog for days, but lately I had some busy days but finally got back home and ready to check some of your content :)

    Umm where to start? First of all thanks for your honesty, because it seems that this low rise trend is everywhere on the internet and in the media. But I like that you mentioned that it is not precisely flattering for everybody and I have heard many people that don't feel good with this garment. I mean it was complicated since back in the day there were many people struggling with body acceptance issues and it seems that the trend is come back stronger.

    Despite that I liked to see a few magazine covers showing plus size models with the famous Low Rise Miu Miu skirt, and even guys wearing it. So let's see how this trend evolves, for now it seems that the 2000 trends will be here for a while! It is crazy to see that many things I used to see during my childhood are now back on the fashion radar!

    Have a lovely day and I am gonna check the other content!

  4. Not going to hop on this trend. Didn't care for low rise jeans. When they first were in style.



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