Trend fin dall’estate 2016 è stata adorata anche per l’inverno e sembra che la tendenza non intenda scemare nemmeno per la prossima stagione.
Rimane protagonista la gonna plissé nella versione glossy o laminata ma anche e soprattutto nella versione più amata ovvero quella leggera e svolazzante, che può essere un vero passe-partout quattro stagioni.
Ma come indossare gonne a pieghe midi e maxi?
La gonna plissé è un must-have che sta bene praticamente con tutto: con un maglioncino crop, con una camicia, con un maglione morbido con o senza cintura alla vita. Con gli stivali per un look rock, ma anche con ballerine, tacchi e perfino sneakers.
Ma la vera domanda è: calze sì o calze no?
A quanto pare impavide fashion victim hanno chiaramente decretato che la risposta della moda è categoricamente no. Ma se in barba ad ogni diktat preferite la comodità (e stare al caldo)allora optate per delle calze decorate che rendano ancora più unico il vostro look!
How to pair the pleated skirt?
This trend is in vogue since the summer of 2016, was also adored during this winter and it seems that does not intend to let go even for next season.
This trend is in vogue since the summer of 2016, was also adored during this winter and it seems that does not intend to let go even for next season.
So the pleated skirt stay protagonist in glossy or laminated version but in the most popular version, the light and flowing; and seems that may become actually a four seasons passe-partout.
So how to wear midi and maxi pleated skirts?
The pleated skirt is a must-have that pretty much goes with everything: with a cropped sweater , with a shirt, with a soft sweater with or without a belt at the waist. With boots for a rock look, but also with flats, heels and even sneakers.
But the real question is: tights yes or not?
Apparently the fearless fashion victims have clearly ruled that the fashion answer is categorically a no. But if you prefer to be comfy (and warm) then opt for the decorated tights that make your look even more unique!
The pleated skirt is a must-have that pretty much goes with everything: with a cropped sweater , with a shirt, with a soft sweater with or without a belt at the waist. With boots for a rock look, but also with flats, heels and even sneakers.
But the real question is: tights yes or not?
Apparently the fearless fashion victims have clearly ruled that the fashion answer is categorically a no. But if you prefer to be comfy (and warm) then opt for the decorated tights that make your look even more unique!
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Bellissime queste foto.
RispondiEliminaper me, calze si:) bellissima ispirazione! Adoro gonne plissetate! Mi piacciono tanto in una versione rock chic, indossate con una giacca biker!
RispondiEliminaI love how ultra feminine pleats are and how they give off a bit of a vintage vibe, too. I also love that they're quite versatile, especially when it comes to skirts, as you can pair them with a slogan tee for a casual look for dress it out with a nice white button down or structured top. Thanks for sharing, beauty, and I hope you're having a great day so far!
Io sicuramente ci metterei le calze... sono troppo freddolosa! Molto belle queste immagini :D
RispondiEliminaUn bacio!
io le amoooooo le gonne plissettate!
RispondiEliminaNice post, i love this trend
RispondiEliminaLove this skirts! I have one and I love to use it! This incredible trend!
RispondiEliminaxoxo Gi.
Blog About Girls
I love this trend girl!
Ho capito, vado a comprare un paio di calze decorate, ho solo le mini nere da abbinare alle stringate per un look comodo. Secondo te sarebbe passabile?
Le gonne plissettate le adoro!
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Thechilicool Facebook Instagram
Very nice! I love this blog post!
RispondiEliminaI love these skirts! Amazing inspiration.
RispondiEliminaThe Fancy Cats | BB CREAM Giveaway
These skirts are so stylish. I love these photos and the pink skirt is my favorite.
Love this post!
RispondiEliminaCaitlin, Beauty & Colour
I love pleats too. Like Jalisa said they're so feminine and versatile. Lately I'm drawn to the ultra long ones in any and every color. Lovely pictures!
Ottimi consigli e comunque per me calze si!
RispondiEliminaBuon 8 marzo fantastica Donna. Kiss
“Tailleur: Come realizzare 3 look differenti” ora sul mio blog http://www.littlefairyfashion.com
Love all these photos and outfits. They're girly and cool!
Fantastica selezione..... a me piacciono in versione maxi!!!!
RispondiEliminaBaci e buona festa della donna!!!!
I find the looks with plated skirt very adorable but I still have not got one! Great post ❤️
RispondiEliminaHave a lovely Wednesday sweetie! X
Thanks a lot :D
RispondiEliminaThis kind of skirts make all looks super dramatics :D love it :D
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Great post, I really like this trend!
RispondiEliminaHave a lovely day :)
Rosanna x
Rose's Rooftop
concordo la gonna a pieghe corta-midi-long- extra long sta bene praticamente con tutto:P
RispondiEliminale adoro, ottimi consigli! devo assolutamente acquistarne almeno una!! baci
RispondiEliminaMi mancano le calze decorate e quest'idea mi piace troppo Silvia. Grandi consigli come sempre.
RispondiEliminaUn bacione
Maggie Dallospedale
Great pictures.I'm loving the pleats.To think I used to wear pleated skirts alot when I was little.Now they look so stylish.
mi piace! <3