giovedì 14 luglio 2022

OOTD: Dopamine Dressing

Vestiti Energetici!


Mentre lottiamo per venire a patti con gli ultimi due anni, potremmo considerare i nostri armadi una via di fuga sia in senso letterale che figurato. 

E allora tuffiamoci nei look alla dopamina e negli abiti gioiosi, pieni di colore, che migliorano l’umore! 

Prendendo il nome dagli "ormoni della felicità" rilasciati dal cervello che aiutano a dare quell'effetto di benessere, questa tendenza è proprio ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno!
Pensate solo che il rapporto sulle tendenze 2022 di Pinterest ha mostrato un aumento di 16 volte nelle ricerche di "abiti vivaci".
In fondo, i colori vivaci e allegri rendono le persone felici, e chi non vuole esserlo? 
Iniziata nel mondo fai-da-te dell'abbigliamento athleisure tie-dye nella primavera e nell'estate del 2021, questa tendenza si è evoluta verso blocchi di colore sempre più audaci e sofisticati. 
Se vi fa sentire felici e sicure di voi, fatelo senza esitazioni. Mescolate trame e strati, e sperimentate anche, e personalizzatela. 
Ma i look alla dopamina non riguardano sempre solo il colore. 
Possono anche comprendere trame, motivi o qualsiasi cosa vi faccia sentire bene. 
Questa è una tendenza che prevede abiti belli e piacevoli da indossare, da mettere e rimettere, che comprende anche fiori, arcobaleni e motivi astratti per aggiungere un tocco di personalità. 
Quest'anno si tratta ancora di vestirsi con comodità, ma anche di indossare cose che migliorano l’ umore. 
E l'aggiunta di colore può rinvigorire il mood quotidiano e aggiornare lo stile in un istante.









As we struggle to come to terms with the past two years, you could take “escaping” into our closets both literally and figuratively. 

Enter dopamine dressing—or the wearing of joyful attire, often full of color, that boosts your mood. Named after the “happy hormones” released by your brain that assist give you that feel-good high, this trend is just what the doctor ordered.

Dopamine dressing took new meaning after lockdowns, think that Pinterest’s 2022 trend report shows a 16-fold increase in searches for “vibrant outfits,” proving that now is the time to head somewhere over the rainbow.
Cheerful bright colors make people happy, and who doesn’t want to do all of the things that brighten their moods, as well as those around them?
While it began in the DIY world of tie-dye athleisure wear in spring and summer of 2021, the trend evolved to bold color blocks. 
If it makes you feel happy and confident, go for it. Mix textures and layers with this trend, but also experiment with it and making it your own.
Dopamine dressing isn’t always about color. It can be about textures, patterns, or whatever makes you feel good.
Joy dressing with bright colors is a trend about look-good, feel-good outfits you can wear on repeat, who also reaches for florals, rainbows, and abstract patterns for a pop of personality. 
This year is all about dressing with comfort, but also wearing things that boost your mood. 
Adding color can rejuvenate your daily attitude and update your style in an instant.



Pics from my Instagram profile, follow me (s.n_silvianegretti)!


5 commenti:

  1. Love your sandals.

  2. Hey Silvia, I hope you're doing good and thank you so much for your recent comment on my blog post :) It is always a pleasure to have you there!

    First of all I didn't know you passed CoVid! Luckily you and your family are all right and I hope you didn't suffer a lot! Good to know it wasn't something terrible!

    Now talking about dopamine dressing, colors, textures and all of the trends you shared with us during the week I totally agree that after lockdown we are chasing new ways to approach fashion. I totally agree with you in the fact that colors are not the only way to chase this dopamine fashion state, we can actually find a lot of ways through textures, patterns, shapes, accessories (like your lovely bucket hat), etc!

    I adore the whole look, it has a lot of things that remind me of the 70s but also of the 2000s! And the color palette makes just a perfect combination to tackle this summer heat! The bag is also ideal, I think you could wear that bag with a lot of different looks!

    Have a lovely weekend and stay tuned, friend! :)

  3. Ah yes these colors and this carefree look for summer should surly up your dopamine levels! Loving those sandals and how cute the photo of the bird and that garden, wow.

    Allie of



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